Social Connections

Social connections and a sense of
belonging are essential to our wellbeing.


Findings from the NS Quality of Life Survey reinforce what existing research has found: Social connectedness is critical to our wellbeing.

We support and create opportunities for folks to strengthen their social connections and sense of belonging because it’s a powerful way to improve personal and community wellbeing that we can all do.

From strengthening climate resilience to success at work to improving our physical, emotional, and mental health, strong social connections are key.

Fostering social connections has been part of our work from early on and continues to take the form of projects like:

  • From Me to You, a provincewide note-writing initiative. You can still ask us for notecards any time.

  • Do a ___ thing, a project with classroom and workplace versions to (re)connect students and employees to the people and places around them

Social connections projects are a thread in our intersecting work that includes the NS Quality of Life Initiative and our Sustainable Development Goals Program.